The Blast Zone features adventures in High Power and Experimental Rocketry.
 | May 2010.Fire in the Sky 2010 - rockets in the air! |
 | January 2009. Holy Smokes, has it really been 3 years since i've updated the site?? I'm still here... |
 | July 2006. A new spreadsheet that will calculate propellant a, n and ISP* values from test burn data. |
 | June 2003. New experimental solid propellant simulation software released, BurnSim! |
 | Sept 2002, Nevada. BALLS 2002 Tripoli National Research launch. 7 motor 38mm cluster, min dia N, min dia M, and other such craziness! |
 | Balls 99 at Black Rock. THE experimental launch! The Megaroc dies a gracefull death, and adventures on the Playa. |
 | At Millican, the Pine Mountain Rocketers put on a great launch, and even let us fly some Researchmotors! |
 | Badger Flats Launch at Moses Lake. The only launch at this wonderful launch site. The raptor rips it up on a couple of H's, and the Megaroc goes the distance on a K700. |
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